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Rondy | 11:02 Sat 21st Oct 2023 | Jokes
2 Answers

Just tried Kangaroo flavoured beer.
You can really taste the hops!


My therapist says I need a woman in my life.
But all the women I know say I need a therapist.


We’ve got an old castle near our village and they are selling off some punishment devices that are more than 200 years old.
I’m going over there to buy one while stocks last!


In my sleep I had visions of making millions selling hollow sections and tubes.
When I woke I realised it was nothing but a Pipedream.


I asked my grandson, "How do I get this printer to work?"
He said, "Just Control P."
I said, "I haven't been able to do that for years."




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Some great ones there Rondy.............keep them coming.


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