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Mum Going Into Home

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Cjamil23 | 23:47 Sun 12th Nov 2023 | Law
26 Answers

Hi, just wanted to ask if my mum needed to go into a home, would her own property be taken from her to fund the home? If her property was to be changed over into her daughter's name would this prevent this from happening?



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The average weekly cost of living in a residential care home is £760, while the average nursing home cost is £960 per week across the UK. The monthly average cost of residential care is £3290 and receiving nursing care in a care home costs on average £4160. In a care home, nursing care is more expensive than residential care.


23k is the cap at the moment.  86k will not cover someone for very long!

All the facts here for all UK.,How%20much%20does%20a%20care%20home%20cost%3F,if%20nursing%20care%20is%20required.


Very wise advice as usual by Barmaid, our legal expert.  

I had a friend who worked in a care home many years ago and she told me that if you own your house and you enter care home facilities  the house is sold and pays for your care home facilities - sorry the house in the "other person's" name has to be there for 7 years.   That fact is still the same.

Jj, i am sure your friend meant well, but 7 years is completely irrelevant and whether the house is taken into account is fact sensitive. 

JJ, there is no "seven-year period" connected to deprivation of capital but there is in relation to inheritance tax and gifts.


"The 7 year rule

No tax is due on any gifts you give if you live for 7 years after giving them - unless the gift is part of a trust. This is known as the 7 year rule."


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