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Has Rishi Missed A Trick?

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ToraToraTora | 13:43 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | Politics
15 Answers

Should have had the election this week when all the hippies are at Glastonbury.



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Think he's a proper barsteward. Called the election when all Scottish schools are on holiday and lots of folks will be away. Here's hoping they all have postal votes.

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great tactic

Glastonbury tickets are 355 quid. Doubt that many hippies will be there.

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they'll have saved up their lunch money.

Not for the first time you seem to have a very loose grip on something not in the mainstream.

I very much doubt a minority part of the Union being on holidays would have been at the forefront of his mind.

"Here's hoping they all have postal votes."

I know you're being tongue in cheek Tora, but you do know that Glasto ends on Sunday. The "hippies" will be home in plenty of time. 


Besides, they all vote Green anyway.

Sorry TTT, just realised that I misread your OP. Apologies.

Green? Are they insane?

A lot of them might well be.

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mozzz: "I know you're being tongue in cheek Tora, but you do know that Glasto ends on Sunday. The "hippies" will be home in plenty of time. " - which why I suggested having it a week earlier.

Yes Tora, you might have noticed that I apologised and explained I misread your post.


You're showing your age Tora. Who the chuffing heck calls anyone a hippie these days. Gawd elp us.

Cleverly's had his say on Glastonbury, and that amounted to "Damned hippies!" Politicians do themselves an injury when they try to look hip.

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