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The K M Links Game - June 2024 Week 5 And Final Results

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seekeerz | 02:40 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

Good morning everyone - well the sunshine is back, but only in a half-hearted way, golly the mornings have been 🥶!! I've come to the conclusion that I'm too old to have fires, much as I love them....topping them up seems a bit precarious....I'll have to think about that, seriously 🤔

ok the matches

Set Piece

Proof Reader

Flat Bread

Rose Bowl

Right then....Bonus points to both Buenchico for Set Piece and CricDram for Flat Bread, and cos I can, those with Proof Read scored a point as well as the Proof Readers. Plus a few points thrown in for Rose Bowl.

The 👑 for June goes to Haras2 with her total of six points 🥳🥳

The Leaderboard for June ....

6 points - haras2

5 points - brizzer, CricDram & wildfish.

4 points - Arksided 

3 points - Buenchico, Chiefpanda, Mrs Glarus, Lady Jo, & Muzz.

2 points - Doof45, jobjockey, Karamia, Reenie, modeste, Patsy33, & tearinghair. 

1 point - abi77, andres, anikomo, Candice Marie, cashier, cliffyg, Glarus, hazlinny, JJ109, jollyroger66, Joolz, Lysander, MargoTester, mallyh, roslyn251254, scorpiojo, & twix123.

Congratulations to all the points scorers this month, we certainly had a few conundrums sent our way never know, next month might be easier 🤪

A new month next week, till then stay safe and take care, Cheers Steff, 😘😘




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"Bonus points"?  That's got to be a first for me!

Thanks, Steff. 

I hope that Missie is better.

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Hi Chris is Moon beam ?

Missie is doing ' as well as can be expected' ....she's an elderly girl ( like her Mum) and I guess the odd thing will go haywire.  I have a number of syringes in the fridge, which I have to give her each day, while we wait for results from the bloods they took on Saturday. Nothing much showed up on the ultrasound so it's a what and see, and just make sure she's comfortable.


And a first for me as well !

Thanks Seekeerz and good to see Missie is holding her own  😄

Jeez, will I ever get a point!?! 😟

Hi again, Seekeerz.

I'm pleased that Missie "isn't too bad for an old 'un" (a bit like me!).  I hope that things go well for here.

After having me worried all day on Friday (firstly because I couldn't find him and then because I realised that he was feeling very poorly), Moonbeam started to perk up in the early hours of Saturday.  So much so that, at 5am (still not having gone to bed) I was outside stroking him and feeding him a few treats.  He now seems to be fully recovered and once again ripping my trainers to shreds when he uses them for scratching posts (which he insists upon doing several times per day) 😺

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That's very good news, Chris - a cat that is TOO quiet 🤫 isn't a good thing, I'm relieved your trainers are serving their main purpose in life 😻

I think it's a first for me to get nil points! Thanks for your hard work every week steph 

Thanks for your efforts skrz well done to all and best wishes for your feline companions 

Happy with four points for another tricky month, amazed so few finished above me... well done Haras on winning the month and all fellow point scorers.

Thank you SeekeerzXx 

Wishing all pets the best of luck and their owners (term used losely when it comes to cats) all the best as well.

Hi Steff, 

Do you still give 3 points for 2 correct answers?

My Mum (Reenie) got SET piece and Rose bowl this week. Thought she might have ended on more points. Just wanted to check.

Thanks for all your hard work. We both love playing each week x

10.34 Ellie/  Was dreading being nil points for a second month but proof reader allowed me to escape (purely because I was one once for the local rag)😊  Thanks Steff x

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Gosh, it's a busy little spot .....Ellie, don't be too downhearted, you're in some very elite company in the Club Rooms, 🤔🤗😆

Reenie....I must apologise, you did indeed collect three points for your two correct matches ....congratulations, that would have put you up with four points along with Arky .....tell him he has to share his hobnobs, 🤗😘

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