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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:41 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Apologies if I repeat anything but AB has decided in the last couple of days to log me out every 2 mins, deleting what I'm in middle of typing every time! Have no idea why.

Anyway, I was typing that today is our recycling day - glass/plastic/food waste- and it's a game to guess where their guys will leave our emptied bins! Could be boring and actually  leave them by our driveway, or could be a mystery & leave them nxt to a huge oak tree down the end of our road! Ive got our door number written on them  in big letters but makes no odds lol. I was going to buy those clever wrap around bin stickers that disguise them - the ones I saw were like green ivy leaves, and as our bins sit nxt to a huge ivy covered wall I thought it would have been funny. I really do need to get out more LOL.

What are you all up to today then??



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I have retrieved my dustbin and will be taking my oldster to the hearing aid centre.  

Morning Smow et al - what sort of inhuman time is this?  Had to get up as I'm expecting an engineer to do the annual heating/water check-up any time from 8:30 > 12:30.  I do wish they could be just a little more precise.

I noticed we've lost a rubbish bin.  As it's a communal area, no idea where it could've got to.

Morning.  The bins are the same here - get thrown down the road.  I think the guys are under so much pressure to work quickly that they have to empty them as they walk along rather than stop so they fling them as they go.

Recycling day for us.  That should reduce the newspaper mountain. 

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Am having huge trouble staying logged in - god knows why!!

Morning all, just woken up - well 9am.  Lazy thing!!!

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Ooh a lie in Naomi - good for you! 

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Gone very  very dark here  - looks like it's going to tip it down any second now!

My engineer arrived 5 minutes ago & seems to have brought the clouds with him.  By the by, he's the spitting image of a young David Beckham.

Good morning (just) from me too.
A tad overcast here, but ok in general.
Have just finished one of those "diamond paintings" 50x50cms, was glad to get to the end. I seem to have been working on it forever, two months i reality.
I am lucky with my bins, because of infirmity I get them "pulled out" which means I don't have to touch them at all. I do make sure I give the crew a decent christmas box each year.
When are you going to see Theo, Smow?
Coffee is calling, have a good day :)

Morning all. A bit grey and overcast here too, but I prefer it when its not too hot. When are you off to see your new grandson Smow?

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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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