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What Religion Is Keir Starmer?

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sandyRoe | 07:51 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
11 Answers

I'd guess he's a Methodist lay preacher, or, at least, looks as though he might be.



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He is an atheist

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As we say here in N Ireland, 'Is he a Protestant Athirst or a Catholic Atheist?'

Who gives a crap what church he donates coins to.

Most religions look after themselves first😪

Who cares if he's a Cornish Baptist or a Jedi Knight? 

I read yesterday that his wife is Jewish and their children are being raised accordingly. I think that he is an atheist, but I don't know for certain.

The amount of doors they've been knocking on, think he may be a closet JW?!

His wife is of the Jewish faith.No wonder Sir Keir wanted rid of all the Momentum anti-semites on the left-wing of the party.

To be honest, who cares? 

Unless he belongs to a cult or intolerant religion it really doesnt matter.

As barry says, he's an atheist.

So it's from a Hindu to an atheist - God help the country.

God hasn't been much help to anyone in the past - why start now!


Oh come on Dave, don't be so cynical. He helped Noah escape the flood, didn't he? :-J

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What Religion Is Keir Starmer?

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