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Does The Punishment Fit The Crime ?

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Khandro | 17:15 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | News
28 Answers

Do you think 6.5 years in jail is just ?                                        The young man was turned 16 & can't be named 'for legal reasons' so he get's off scott free; but doesn't it take two to tango?



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Abuse of a position of trust. Laughable. Abuse of position of trust is rife and endured and tolerated globally. Hypocrisy rules.
05:12 Fri 05th Jul 2024

She was in a position of trust, she knew that what she was doing was wrong.  

Had it been a male teacher having sex with two female pupils he would, hopefully, be sentenced to the same punishment.

// Had it been a male teacher having sex //

Jeremy Forrest got 5.5 years for one inappropriate liaison.....

a male would have got 17 years, happened this week.

stupid woman

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If it had been the same young man and she wasn't his teacher, though he went to the same school, and she'd met him on a bus, say.  Would that have been OK?  


It was two young lads and one of them got her pregnant. I don't know whether she had the baby. 

No, it wouldn't be okay Khandro.  A school employee doesn't have to be a teacher to hold a position of trust.

"It is an offence for a teacher or member of school staff to enter into a sexual relationship with a student under the Sexual Offences Act 2003"

Oh dear. Sex trumps all. Anything private is forbidden.

This is the case TTT refers to. Head teacher in his 60s abused 4 pupils over 4 years

BBC News - Paedophile head teacher jailed for 17 years

Does giving pleasure to someone amount to 'abuse'?

//Does giving pleasure to someone amount to 'abuse'?//

Is "giving pleasure" to an underage girl abuse?  

//young man was turned 16 & can't be named 'for legal reasons' so he get's off scott (sic) free//

What do you mean by scot free? That implies he committed some sort of offence. But he didn't- the crime was hers

davebro. Do you think that giving pleasure to someone is abuse?

///Do you think that giving pleasure to someone is abuse?///

If it is an abuse of position or of age then, yes, it is abuse, full stop.

No matter how 'nice' it might feel at the time.

jack. You seem to be saying that if it's abuse, then it's abuse. Circular argument.

Thanks atheist for your observations - as a 77 year old I'm off out to pleasure a 13 year old girl tonight. 

davebro. You refer to pleasuring a young girl. I know what you mean, but I think that what you refer to is an old man pleasuring himself at the expense of a young girl's innocence. I 'pleasure' my granddaughters, and maybe you do. But I don't introduce them to sexual experience, because it doesn't feel right.

give it up atheist - you are on the wrong track

Whereas you seem to be saying that if it gives pleasure, it isn't abuse. 

A dangerous argument to promote.

Just to clarify. I would not seduce a young girl, because I think that youngsters should not waste time on an old man who would have nothing to offer her in terms of a long-lasting relationship, which should include producing children and devoting time to her and her kid(s). That would (in my mind) be wrong. There are societies where introduction to sex by older people is acceptable. I would not do that; leave the kids to find out for themselves and discover reproduction and parenting are their business, not that of elders.

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