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Do You Think That Epilepsy Shouold Be A Crime?

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Atheist | 18:46 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
30 Answers

Do you think that woman who had an epilectic fit and crashed her car and killed two children should be punished? Do you think that Saul (Paul) should be punished for establishing christianity?



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Any parent in this situation would be seeking "someone to blame". Suddenly losing your children does not encourage what some might call rational thought. They are going through horrible, unbearable grief.

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I agree, pasta.


Why should anyone be punished for epilepsy, or establishing Christianity?  The reasoning is obscure.

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I said, "Do you think that woman who had an epilectic fit and crashed her car and killed two children should be punished? Do you think that Saul (Paul) should be punished for establishing christianity?"

I didn't say that the woman or Saul should be punished.

Of course not - to both.

dunno - uncertain but it seems St. Paul was beheaded in Rome.

Just desserts?

I can't see how St Paul has anything to do with this- as he died about 2000 years ago, I think you may have a job 'punishing' him for anything.  You may be aware, the reason he was arrested wasn't do do with establishing christianity but because he was accused by the Jews of "defiling the temple by bringing gentiles into it."   

If you're looking for a biblical reference to epilepsy, perhaps Mark 9:20 is a more 'fitting' verse. (no pun intended :)

Atheist, epileptic seizures are, individually, of relatively short duration.  I don't think I've ever heard anything quite as ludicrous or as far fetched as what you're suggesting.  

I think the parents of the deceased girls have aimed their guns at the wrong body of people.  They are saying the police investigation was shoddy and not thorough.  In my experience fatal accident investigation in this Country is of the highest quality and very rarely criticised by courts, coroners or crown.

Should they wish the decision not to prosecute questioned, then address that decision to the body that made the decision  - the Crown Prosection Service, not the Police.

I dont think I am mad enough to answer these questions fully.

this is covered by automatism and we know that this is sufficient to defend a criminal charge

obviously if you KNOW you have epilepsy then it is different

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