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Ladies - Male Grooming, Eyebrows

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barry1010 | 10:04 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

My wife really does not find men with overly groomed eyebrows attractive.  I trim mine but they are their natural shape. Nobody loves the Dennis Healey eyebrow, and that is good enough.

I noticed a man on tv and asked her opinion of his eyebrows.  

What do other ladies think of this fashion trend.  



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Oh gosh, it's a no from me. It's definitely been a trend for women for a good few years. Some can still look natural...too many look drawn on. But women have done that for mum did because her eyebrows were non- existent. 

It looks even more wrong on men as we expect a more natural look

I hate overplucked eyebrows on women - so many faces I've seen spoiled.

And any plucking of men's eybrows is a no-no - see Mikel Arteta, Arsenal mamager.

brainiac...overplucked eyebrows are passè. Its pretty much the opposite now...

I like men to be well-groomed but not so much that they become poncey.  Men should be men.

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Poncey!  Haven't heard that for years.  

Nor me - but I couldn't think of a word to better describe what I meant.  🤣

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Wish there was a worldwide ban on blerdy Lynx

Nothing wrong with the Denis Healey style.

Next we'll be asked to trim our nostril hair and that which sprouts out of our ears as we age.

Where would it all end?

sandy, I recall Bruce Willis observing that after 60, God starts removing the hair from your head and putting it in your ears.

As Frank Zappa wrote, " growing out ev'ry hole in me."

I wish the hair on my head had lasted til I was 60.

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I am fortunate, my family escaped the male pattern baldness gene. My locks are full and flowing. 

Unlike you, barry, OH has lost his flowing locks - except for his eyebrows - and the odd ones that sprout from ears etc.. He does have rather neat, tonsorial growth however, which I have the inestimable privilege to coiffe (well that's what he says).  

Haircuts have to include a good 'hedge-trim' of his eyebrows so they don't curl into his eyes and go a-wandering elsewhere.  Definitely Healey-esque otherwise.  I don't try to make them look even, or that tidy - just control them. 

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My eyebrows would grow in to my eyes if I didn't trim them. The brows are the natural shape and colour though

The eyes have it.

Or the nose? 

Ear ear. 

I don't like overly groomed male eyebrows. I think Naomi had the right word with 'poncey'. 

I also can't bear waxed chests

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Ladies - Male Grooming, Eyebrows

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