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So Lefty Government, Lefty Public Sector...what Could Go Wrong?

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ToraToraTora | 09:10 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | News
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What could go wrong?  Pretty much everything: unchecked immigration, votes for 16 year olds, net zero lunacy, increased taxes, unfettered wokery... At least with Farage's election we can look forward to him destroying Starmer in the Commons.
12:09 Fri 05th Jul 2024

Interesting, I prefer the Quay (upstairs only) to the Lord Wimborne.  Although dont go to the Quayside at night there are usually running battles down there.  Always have been for as long as I can remember.

Everything will go wrong. If you run a petrol or diesel car, want to fly on a family holiday abroad, worked all your life and have some savings, have a personal pension pot, then beware, they are coming for you. 

terrible thing democracy, isn't it dave...

This election result in number of seats versus actual number and percentage of votes  received is yet again proof that our antiquated 'first past the post' system is anything but democratic. 🤔

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judge: "

I trust you're not off to The Quay (Wethers), Tora. Much as I like Wethers' establishments, it's not one of his best, hough upstairs is not too bad (if it's open and you can get a seat by the window). I prefer the 'Spoons in Lagland Street (The Lord Wimborne, I think). Handy for breakfast before toddling over to the station for the train home. That said, the Foundry Arms in that same road was not too bad last time I visited. Then there's "The Cockleshell" a bit further down, though it's many years since I went in there.

Have one for me. "

Didn't go to the Quay. Started in the Wimborne, then the foundry, the cockleshell was closed for re dec. Then the swan, terrible run by indians and they've burgered it up somehow. Then the Poole arms, Portsmouth Hoy, The King Charles and then for a Ruby! I did have several for you judge and everyonbe else!

The radicalised right are having trouble with this result.


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09:48.... missed out the Antelope! Good session!

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