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Scottish Field (June)

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johnT | 16:21 Fri 10th May 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

Scottish word, general slang or regional scots term.


18a. Parting word (5) A?I?O

Could be ADIOO (version of ADIEU, ADDIO, ADIOW etc)

Or could it be AMIGO (apparently used to end some sentences) - "see you tomorrow amigo" or "goodnight amigo" etc................ probably unlikely so unless I get another option to consider It'll probably have to be ADIOO





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I had a go at this here -

From what I can gather, the 'I' & 'O' have to be correct, is that right?  If you can find a reference to 'ADIOO', I'd go with that.

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Thanks Lie-in-king

I'm happy with adjoining clues answers, definitely giving me: A?I?O

All scottish dictionaries and searches so far are not showing ADIOO as a known variation. However so far I've found several like ADDIO, ADIOW, ADDEW, ADEWE, ADEOW etc.

Dictionaries of the Scots Language:: DOST :: adew (

But unfortunately not ADIOO, so although I'm reasonably confident of the answer - I'd just like to prove it with a link to a reference if anyone has found one.



Thanks for the info, JohnT - I'm unable to find a reference either, but will try again over the weekend.  If I get anywhere, I'll post on this thread.  Perhaps someone else will be kind & beat us to it! 🙂

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You know what Lie in king?

Where it's a Scottish word as an answer they are now suffixing the question with (Sc)

18a. Parting word (5) A?I?? .... is not indicated to be a Scottish word as the answer.

15d is signified as a Scottish word as the answer

15d. In the sulks (Sc) (10) G???D?U?I?S

This relates to the Scottish word GLONDOURIS - which is derived from the term GLUNDER.


So there's a possibility that if 18a was the standard version of the word ADIEU............. then 15d could be GLUNDOURIS (although I've found reference to GLONDOURIS (derived from GLUNDER) - but none yet to GLUNDOURIS), I'm just thinking if GLONDOURIS is derived from GLUNDER - then maybe there's a region in Scotland using the version GLUNDOURIS (which would tie in with ADIEU).


Help appreciated


You've probably seen this?

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So it all boils down to:

18a is A?I?O if 15d is GLONDOURIS (and I can find reference to GLONDOURIS)

Meaning possibly 18a being ADIOO or something else.


Or if 15d is GLUNDOURIS then 18a could be ADIEU (which makes more sense, except that I can't find reference to it) but I can find reference to GLONDOURIS


Stuck between a rock and a hard place

Hi John - If it was me, I'd probably plump for 'adieU' & 'glUndouris', despite the lack of a reference.

I'm sorry I've not been of more help 😞

When the answers are published, would you be good enough to let us know the correct ones, please?

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Will do Lie-in-King. Answers appear to be a bit behind (April's answers in June's issue). So don't expect June's answers until August issue!

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Lie-in king

June's answer posted: They have 18a as ADIEU and 15d as Glundouris as we suspected. Although I couldn't find any reference to Glundouris - only Glondouris, although we established that Glondouris was derived from the word Glunder.

Thank you for the update, John, much appreciated & I'm glad you got to the right answers 😊

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Scottish Field (June)

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