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gulliver1 | 08:04 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | News
52 Answers

.............😎We Did It😎..Pay back time Brexit😎..............



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You do know the people nagged to have a referendum on leaving the EU"the people"? Some did, Prudie, but it certainly wasn't universal. None the less, it does seem the bungling of it was one of the reasons for yesterday's vote.
12:42 Fri 05th Jul 2024
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Will Oliver Dowden be the leader of the Cons until a new leader is appointed. Or are the Tories trying to hide him away.

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I would think there will be Street Partys all over the UK this week end.  (Sort of Coronation style) To Celebrate that Britain has liberted itself from the most contemptible Gov in living memory.The wreckers,destroyers,bullies,cronies,and self servers are gone at last.The Tory reign is over ....😎Hallelujah....🤣

bhg481 @ 09.32:

//...the looney left will welcome the likes of Corbyn back into the party..//

Who are/is "the likes of Corbyn?". Have you got anyone in mind?

The looney left are the likes of Corbyn.

In victory magnanimity and in peace goodwill.

There's no need to float.

^Gloat, gloat, not Float.

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It's  looking good for a new relationship with European neighbours now that the UK is under a more stable Govt.      A relationship where the EU and UK can work together to deal honestly  and openly with each other.

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A EU Spokesperson says under a UK Labour Govt they can  expect a closer relationship working to repair the damage that was done by the outgoing Conservative Govt.

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So things are starting to look better already and it's only day one.

nothing wrong with brexit,,it was the lousy deal the tories got "for us"again we did not get a say


you should not feel deflated about the greens roadman. their strategy in this election was to focus on four seats where they had built up significant local organisations. they managed to win all four of them and significantly increased their vote share elsewhere. much attention is on reform because the media is infatuated with farage but the greens also did very well last night and i hope will pressure labour in the same way that ukip pressured the tories. 

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