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A Labour Government And England On The

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sandyRoe | 19:54 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Way to winning the Euros.

What more could you want? ;-)



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Flippin' fluke though, Sandy.

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Even so, a win is a win.

I want chocolate covered raisins, a 250g bag would suffice.  I can buy bigger bags but I would just sit and eat them all.

Instead I am crunching my way through a bowl of ice cubes and fasting until noon tomorrow when I will be in Oxfam working hard.

If England win the world cup we will never hear the end of it.

Grumpy, Perth, Scotland


No fluke... they do like to put us through it though don't they... I can breathe again 

It's not the World Cup, wolf63. It's the Euros. I thought we'd left them? 😄

Anyway, as I've said before, in recent games, England have reminded me very much of Real Madrid in the CL last season. They looked awful at times and looked on the verge of going out a few times, but they went on to win the whole thing. It's getting results that count. It's a results business. We'll see.

 sandyRoe 20.03           "Even so ,a win is a win"                        Not according to some, over in the news section.

Agree with Arky, no fluke. A slightly improved performance from England against a well-matched opponent and a penalty shoot-out win when normally we leave tournaments by this method.

I actually think we'll need another shoot-out against the Dutch as i can't see us beating them in normal time.

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