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Slip Lamp Eye Examination

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JinnyJoan | 21:22 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
5 Answers

Had to go for a different eye examination last week and I now have been told to go back in August for the above.  Never heard of it - is it ok - or will they slit my poor eye in two LOL



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It's nothing to worry about, just a different light shone in your eye. I have it done every year

The doctors/techs look in the eye with a light ( 1850) but Gullstrand noted that if the light being shone is at aside  angle, then you cd see in the light alone, a cross section of the eyeball.

Pretty impressive when you first see it.

no touch, drops only to widen the pupil. fun even - the light beam is the slit

( come on come on mods far too many of my technical posts are being deleted)


I was diagnosed with Fuch's dystrophy by a slit lamp test 

too few cells in the cornea I believe.

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