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davebro3 | 19:03 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
24 Answers

If Joe doesn't step down & allow another Democratic candidate to take his place he will lose to Trump & be ousted anyway. If he can't accept that then he is truly demented.

They would have a chance with someone else. IMV



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Agreed. He must surely have dementia.

The problem is, they've left it far too long (he was having serious symptoms three years back) and now they're asking someone who is incoherent to make a coherent decision and step aside.  Trump has got an open goal.

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PS. If one of Starmer's victory phone calls is to Biden (it will be) he might try to persuade him! 

A dynamic, vibrant, 40-something, whip-smart Democrat would wipe the floor with Trump. But for some strange reason, they're sticking with Biden ...

These are two old men ..One of them should be serving the rest of his life in Prison and the other one should be in a care home. Farage and Boris should be sharing the same cell as Trump.

If Biden was mentally fit he would realise he wasn't fit to stand again.

His wife likes being married to a President.  Apparently she keeps pushing him on.

As others have said, it should have been decided on over a year ago when this situation became obvious.  Trouble is that Kamala Harris is such an awful, divisive figure that he can't nominate her --- as would be expected.  It will be a hoo-ha to parachute anyone else in and could start-up the 'race' debate again in the USA.  About the only thing K Harris had going for her in appointing her to be vice-president was her race, in my v. humble opinion.

An unprecedentedly awful situation - and very dangerous for world peace.

The US should bite the bullet right now.  Find a wlling doctor to diagnose what the whole world can see, in that the President clearly has onset dementia.  He is not fit to stand. They should stand him down with a resonable degree of personal acceptance and select  a new suitable candidate who can then choose his or her own running mate.

Kamala Harris should be invited to see out the term as acting president but should not be a candidate for either post.  I say this having read many words about her from lots and lots of US citizens.

What do you think?

it's not that he's 81, it's that he'll be 85 at the end of the next term, and he won't be any better.

I've seen claims that Trump is also showing signs of dementia. Apparently both his father and brother(?) succumbed to it.

he's been showing signs of something for years, but probably just egomania

'I'm proud to be the first black woman to serve with a black President' he said at a radio interview, and referred to Trump as one of our colleagues.  Allowing and encouraging him to continue is sad - and actually unkind.  

I suspect the party has left it too late for that. After all, who else have they got that would make an immediate and vote gaining change at this late stage ?

^^^its verging on abuse.


His wife, the 'Dr', is for a large part to blame; she should be telling him to stop, but the issue is she's such a narcissist that she adores being the first lady, and it seems this is more important to her than the fact her husband is riddled with dementia and confusion.

It really is unkind.  It's pathetic to watch.  

A dynamic 40 something whip smart President is how they are portrayed brilliantly  in TV/film, actors such as Martin Sheen, Michael Douglas, Denis Haysbert, Harrison Ford, Michael Keaton etc etc all fit that bill but for some reason the last person even vaguely of that calibre in real office was JFK and that was over 60 years ago.

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Another film star might fit the bill if they can find one who's willing.

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