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411 Seats Still Not Enough Talent It Seems.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:19 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
32 Answers

Labour criticised the tories for dragging Cameron off the red benches. Now Sir Beer does it twice himself! Surely with 411 MPs he must have enough to fill the cabinet!



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 Stableford:  //Talent in the form of Angela Rayner, David Lammy and Ed Miliband?!  What a joke!//

Indeed! I've just being checking on the first of your list - "The most powerful woman in the country ".  She had a hard start in life, but is that a sufficient qualification for such a post ?     I won't say anything more;

I can't fault Hymie's first paragraph. That the likes of Lammy (who sees racism in everything) and Rayner (an intellectual Pygmy) are deemed worthy of the power now bestowed on them is, frankly, a joke.

Corbyn's first wife once said that in all the years they lived together she never saw him read a book. I'm afraid poor Angela is of that same persuasion.

What does she know, I wonder? 

Vallance as Minister for Science!  Start stocking-up for the next lockdown when 'flu hits this Winter folks!

Is this the same Vallance who said in Nov 20 that a "scenario" was there could be 50,000 deaths a week from Covid? When in fact it was a tiny percentage of that amount.

covid was bad enough - how much worse could it have been with Labour in charge!

The very same d.d.

Mr Farage [whom God preserve, - Khandro]  said: "With a couple of exceptions, they are I think the most inexperienced people ever to have got into a British cabinet.

"If you actually look at their life stories, their backgrounds and bear in mind, these are people making executive decisions that fundamentally affect people's lives, I think they're going to find it very, very hard. And I say that because the country faces some really fundamental problems, I suspect this Government could be in trouble pretty quickly."

After months (years) of shouty, vacuous nonsense from AB's  left, why are they all so suddenly so silent ?

Because you're not worth talking to.

^^^no, rather when it becomes apparent Labour are useless, which is an inevitability, you extreme left will try, and fail, to defend them. I'm quite looking forward to seeing the abject nonsense you extreme left are going to trot out.

What puzzles me is, other than for reasons of self interest, why Labour (or anyone) would actually want to govern the UK at present. For KS it will be like banging his head against a brick wall & every Wednesday lunchtime Nigel tears him a new one.

Far more relaxing being the impotent opposition.

Labour have not had a decent M.P. with any knowledge since Robin Cook.

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411 Seats Still Not Enough Talent It Seems.....

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