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Rwanda Plan Put Out Of Its Misery…

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Gromit | 23:24 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
50 Answers

It cost nearly half a £billion, nobody went there, and it deterrred no illegal immigrants from coming here.    
I am sure you willl agree this was a easy saving for the Starmer Government 😀



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How can something that never happened cost so much money?

^^^ A rhetorical question.😁

How much folding did we actually hand over to the Rwanda Gov?











The totally incompetent Tory government has already given the African dictator the dosh, with no possibility of getting a penny back.


At least they will not be getting any more hard-earned UK taxpayers cash.

Ah right , they saw us coming 

They sure did.

Yes, they saw us coming. And they only saw one immigrant coming - and that was voluntarily.

apparently it's all cost us £1.8 million a head, except there weren't any heads.

Will the treasury get the money back?

plenty of PPI plutocrats they could reclaim money from right here before sending a punitive expedition to Rwanda.

Sources say that Tories were put in touch with Rwandan authorities by a completely plausible Nigerian prince.

1. Would you like to put a number on those illegal immigrants deterred from coming here gromit?  2. Whose to say Rwanda will not be returning any money (as reported today)?

I realise that item 1 wasn't phrased correctly but you get the point. 

The Rwanda plan was clutching at straws & doomed to failure. If the UK is unable or unwilling to physically stop the dinghies crossing the channel we may as well throw open the doors & say "Come one, come all".

Laying on ferries to bring the migrants across the channel would put the smuggling gangs out of business.

The only thing we can agree on is that a government clearly less than keen on solving the illegal economic migrant problem has managed to remove the planned removal after it's friends managed to keep delaying it.


Unsubstantiated claims that it wasn't a deterrent hold no sway when it was deliberately prevented from being tried; especially when the RoI claims the mere threat of it was sufficient to encourage them there instead.


I think it's an indication that voiced concerns at what our new government intends to do are all too valid.

Didn't a number of immigrants in Northern Ireland 'flee' to the Republic of Ireland for fear of being sent to Rwanda?  I would have thought that had some deterrent (as opposed to Gromit's emphatic 'no'. 

Hear hear, OG.

Davebro has identified the solution I'm sure Keir will use. Offer legal routes via ferries or via channel tunnel and the number coming via illegal crossings should be nil or negligible. Objective met.

But we need fresh ideas. Let's give Keir a chance ... he may surprise us with an idea that works.

Legal routes for illegal immigrants ? Sounds like a plan from 1984.

Legal routes to establish whether they are here legally (allowed and helped to stay) or illegally

gromit you got what you wanted now belt up.

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