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I Could Be A Fashionista If I Wasn't Careful.

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sandyRoe | 06:58 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers


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Really guys !!!!
07:21 Sun 07th Jul 2024

Me too, who would have thought peeing yourself would be sales worthy.

I'm now going to make a profit from my old man problem🤣

Really guys !!!!

No need for the mad dash to the loo when down at the pub now , boys 😄

Where The Donald leads the world follows.

It comes hot on the heels of the new sizings, XL, L, M, S, XS, Wee.

I'm guessing you are the resident comedian, douglas9401?

Just another member hanging out, curly. x

there's one smaller size, Douglas, 'wee wee'.

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I Could Be A Fashionista If I Wasn't Careful.

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