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Stopping The Small Boats.

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sandyRoe | 08:00 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
25 Answers

The Tories haven't managed it and it seems unlikely Labour will do any better.

What would Farage do if he had the power?



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Fireside dogs. Grenouilles

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Can't imagine many Cockneys on the City Rd or within the sound of Bow Bells knowing the French for 🐸 and working It into their argot.

Not allowed to call them the English "friendly term" on site sandy. Towers instructions you know. We can however call them that but only in French. Haha that is true.  

To add to my previous post, given I misread the question and answered regarding the new government's likely success, and not Reform's.


Yes, they would likely withdraw from obstructive groups/agreements, such as the ECHR, and give the nation the freedom to do what must be done. They are the only party likely to do so. It isn't in their interest to pussyfoot around with fine words that aren't backed up with action. But they'd need a decent majority.


If all who realised that Brexit was absolutely vital fir the UK, and voted for it in the referendum, would back that up by voting for Reform next GE, then it could happen; but I'm not holding my breath that the population of the UK suddenly gets a dose of sanity like that. Heck: some are even still voting LD !?!?!?!?!?


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