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Good Morming Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:31 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

Well I'm still plodding on with this morning thread so far lol, no matter how many or few join in daily. What I have noticed tho is just how few posts there are in general every day these days? Especially noticeable on CB where most of us are. How come?? Are there literally just 10-20 of us keeping AB going??There can't be surely. I mean, does anyone actually know just how many members  there are? Nobody seems to be actually posting anything, not even nonsense really! At this rate AB is going to disappear!

Who watched the England football game lastnight? As someone married to a mad football (any sport actually) fan I did, and I have to confess that I am quite a sports fan myself. And while not getting into the conversation about did they make enough effort, were they good enough etc etc etc, it's still lovely to see all the fans reactions whenever they win a match - they all went mad!!  In this day and age it's just nice to see hundreds and hundreds of people out watching a game all together, and celebrating at the end.  (Though I do hate penalty shoot-outs! I always feel sooooo bad for the poor guy who misses, as he must feel absolutely dreadful standing there hearing an entire stadium groan at him : ( )

Sunshine is actually peeking out at the moment but don't know for how long - yesterday wasn't v good, some of the rain bursts were really really heavy! Saved me watering anythinglll!



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'Morning Smow - sun out here after heavy overnight rain - heat forecast to return.  Like you, I hate when footie decision is made via penalties.  CB is really missing some of the "characters" who were fun - I believe there are thousands of AB members but they must be in hiding!  You have taken on the GMEB thread but have to be prepared for a see-saw of replies - sometimes only a few, sometimes a few more😊  Enjoy what you have planned for today x

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Morning Haz... yes a lot of people are definitely in hiding lol.  Oh well, I shall plod on! Nothing specific planned here for today, will just catch up on general stuff. Hopefully if the sun dries out yesterdays deluge of rain enough I might be able to get out there for an hour.

Morning. I think AB goes in peaks and troughs generally but most of what appeared to be lengthy Good Morning threads usually amounted to just two or three people chatting.  You're doing a good job, smow.  It's nice to see the traditional thread back and welcoming all comers.  πŸ˜ƒ

Morning all, rain is stopping me from gardening, I'm a fair weather gardener these days.

I'm sure my wife will find something to keep me out of mischief 

Good morning Smow and all.
Nice looking day out there today, a pleasant change from yesterday.
I don't fancy cooking today so my plan is to take myself to a garden centre and have my lunch there after a good meander around.
Have you decided yet when you are going to see young Theo and his parents?

Morning.  Raining as usual in Devon.  I can see it coming from the coast and the sky looks like the Caribbean during hurricane season. Can't do anything much here when the weather is like that.

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Morning naomi(my consistent morning buddy so far lol), Barry and ferlew : )

Yes I must admit that no how much work I've got on, like today actually, if I can get outside for even half hour I will. I find it quite claustrophobic being inside all day, especially in winder when it's dark at 4pm!

Im gona be getting the train on Friday morning down to Devon! Can't wait. Wish they lived closer but that's just life. 

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Hi 237SJ - living right where I'm travelling to on Friday! Sounds like youve got the horrendous rain that we had here had yesterday!

 Good morning. It is a nice sunny day in Norfolk with just a slight breeze. I am at work today but with access to a computer i am able to be on AB. I saw the England match and it was a good game. The match set up was better than the previous four games and the penalty win was a great success from the players, their is confidence now for the next game on Wednesday.

The weather comes in here from the Atlantic.  It's either tipping with rain or brilliant sunshine (we had thunder the other night)  Good job you`re getting the train - it took me 6 hours to drive here from SW London the other day.  The A303 is bad at the best of times.  I believe you are going to the south though - more settled weather there

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Morning William! Whereabout in Norfolk  are you? Know it quite well.

Yes I'm going to Paignton... was there at New Year actually.

 I live in North West Norfolk not far from Hunstanton in a rural village, their are some great walking areas here.

Morning all, in Devon now and we have only had couple of 5 minute light showers here this morning and at least the wind from yesterday has died down.  It was very windy at the classic car show I went to  yesterday.  Bit cloudier than yesterday but not to bad so far.

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Oh I know Hunstanton well! Have spent many a day/weekend there! My son also lives in Bircham Newton, which is Norfolk .

Morning shedman - yep was really really windy here yesterday too! Now if it had also been dry it would have been a perfect washing drying day lol! 

Morning all. Older son is cooking dinner tonight, a beef randang. He is a good cook so someyhing to look forward to. 

Its a sad day today, it is my younger son's birthday. 

Its a grey day here in the  midlands

Bircham Newton has an old second world war airfield there which these days has the Construction Industry training college.

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Hi Rosetta. Dinner sounds wonderful. Today is sad - sorry to ask but has your younger son passed away? x

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Hi William - I didn't know that. I was there last year visiting - it's pretty remote there

Yes Smow , he died suddenly at the end of January this year, he was only 43yrs of age so it was a huge shock 

 Yes Snow, it is a rural area and is not good for bus services.

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