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Rwanda Plan Put Out Of Its Misery…

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Gromit | 23:24 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
50 Answers

It cost nearly half a £billion, nobody went there, and it deterrred no illegal immigrants from coming here.    
I am sure you willl agree this was a easy saving for the Starmer Government πŸ˜€



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Legal routes don't help with that.


Q. Did you just travel from a safe country ?

A. Yes.

S. So you can't be a refugee or asylum seeker.

Q. Did you get prior permission to come ?

A. No.

S. So you are an illegal immigrant, back you go then.


No need for legal routes to allow them to cross the border. That is clearly just a ploy to let more in and continue the invasion.

"Legal routes to establish whether they are here legally (allowed and helped to stay) or illegally" - and then allowed and helped to stay?  If they're here illegally then what?  

send 'em to Rwanda - oh waitπŸ˜‚

Saw on Trevor Phillips this morning that the Labour party want to cut down legal immigration to the Uk but nothing on there about cutting down the illegal ones.

Well done Sir Keir.. Good move after just 48 hours in office.      That should help to start putting tax payers money back into the  empty safe that you inherited.

Give over, Gulliver.  It will all be spent on housing and keeping even more boat people. 

Cutting down legal immigration gulliver will put less money into the empty safe you say about.  Legal immigrants put money into the system as they will have jobs to go to and will pay tax.  It's the illegal ones that will not be putting into the system only take out but they have not mentioned how they may combat that one.

I gave up trying to give sensible answers to Gulliver long ago.  

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No one knows how many planned to illegally cross the channel this year, but if a deterent was happening you would expect the number to be falling this year, not going up. Already we have had more people by the mid point of the the year than in the previoys 4 years.

No one was sent to Rwanda and it has cost £500million+. If we had managed to send half of them to Rwanda, that would have cost £10Billion.

Starmer hasn't yet put forward an alternative plan, but let's hope it is more successful and not a colossal waste of money.

Don't hold your breath, gromit.

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We don't have £10Billion to spend.  
The Conservatives have borrowed £2Trillion which will need to be paid back.

It was always doomed for failure.Weve had 68,000 boat-people arriving this year,the first tranche of this plan was to get 354 people sent to Rwanda.Woopee-doo,thats going to make a difference.The only good thing to come out of this Rwanda scheme is that thousands of these economic migrants are flooding into ROI.Methinks they are welcome to them.

An 'oven-ready' excuse to do nothing, gromit.  That's handy.  πŸ˜‚

Some rage against the French authorities because they claim they're not doing enough to stop the refugees.  Yet those same people are happy to see the refugees travelling on to Ireland.

But that final step may not be considered necessary now that the threat of Rwanda has evaporated.

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// An 'oven-ready' excuse to do nothing, gromit.  That's handy. //

Or - Don't over promise and under delivery.

Starmer has already saved us £Billions with one sentence.

Your figures are askew, gromit - but why not wait until he puts his money where his mouth is and stops the boats - and then us how much he's saved us?  Until then he's going to be forking out for more and more to come here and be looked after.  They're packing their bags as we speak.   

the french let them into france, why are they not dealing with them, after all they are supposed to be illegal immigrants.

*tell us how much ....*

@14.19.Shhh,sandy,the economic migrants dont know that yet.The more they flood into ROI,the less problem we will have with them over in our country(UK).

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A Labour Goverment might deter you naomi, but I doubt it makes a ha'pence worth of difference to an illegal immigrant, they will still try and get here.   
We have had more boats half way through this year than in 2022 when we got 46,000 illegal migrants.  
Labour haven't promised a magic cure, but the nation expects them to attempt something else.

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