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Listener 4823 The Band By The Ace Of Hearts

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upsetter | 15:53 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
3 Answers

Quite a toughie despite an early PDM for the clash mechanism.

Thankfully no gridstare but we don't understand the title.

Thanks, Ace of Hearts.



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Agree. Tumbled to one of the clashes early on but still had to tough my way through the clues. I think the title is a partial reference to one of the places in which the theme might be used.


This setter usually gives us fairly accessible circular puzzles, but this was quite a departure. The combination of letters latent and clashes made it quite a slog, even after the theme fell. But I got there in the end - thanks Ace of Hearts!

Not a new theme by any means but the clues, in parts, were quite tough.

As soon as I saw who the setter was, I expected a circular puzzle too!

Thanks, AoH.

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