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Conspiracy Corner - Labour Helped Farage

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Gromit | 13:16 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | News
14 Answers

// During the election campaign, Labour was accused of not putting up a fight in the Essex seat after the Guardian revealed that Owusu-Nepaul [the Labour candidate] had been instructed to leave the constituency and told he was distracting from Keir Starmer’s campaign. //

The Labour candidate was exiled to the West Midlands, and the Labour campaign activists in Clacton were banned from printing leaflets and blocked from using campaigning software.

All seems very odd, an election campaign without any leaflets?  
Obviously Reform doing well at the expense of the Tories nationally, had a good payback for Labour. Now evidence suggests Labour removed the candidate and weren't trying to win Clacton.



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"All seems very odd, an election campaign without any leaflets?"

To the nearest whole number I had precisely one leaflet delivered to my house. That was from the Social Democratic Party candidate. He polled 240 votes.  

I noticed one of the biggest Reform voting areas in the country was in Liverpool.Yes,Liverpool.I thought they were all a bunch of card carrying Corbynites.It seems not.

it also seems odd that Labour would select a candidate - known for their hostile attitude to the "privileged white" - in a constituency with possibly the whitest demographic in the whole of eastern England.....

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// I had precisely one leaflet delivered to my house. //

I reckon most households would get a Conservative, Labour and LibDem leaflet during a General Election. I am in a very safe seat and had one from the main parties plus Reform, Green and Workers party.

I heard from only one party - the LibDems. My area is a safe conservative seat.

I had dozens from all sides, even a couple of indies!

I had a couple of leaflets - dunno who from, they went straight into the recycling.

just fished 'em out - Lab, Reform & Lib. (the Tory won)

I had several including from independent candidates - who did quite well, the winning Labour vote was well down. The Tory vote was down less, but it seems highly likely that Labour voters everywhere knew a supermajority was on its way, so stayed at home or voted for a local candidate.

But yes, that story was around a couple of weeks ago

Highly improper and disrepectful to their own candidate, if you ask me, telling him to shut up and go away.

I think this is very likely. they wanted farage to win clacton so that his party would continue to steal tory votes... very much like the SDP/alliance did to labour in the 1980s 

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I believe the leaflets are delivered to every household in the constituency free of charge to the party. Why would any party in a constituency pass on that offer?

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Candidate Mail

I didn't get any leaflets from anyone. I live in a safe labour seat so i suppose nobody bothered.

Most likley realised they didnt stand a chance and decided that it would be better to keep the noise down so it didnt distract from the National campaign.  Why risk it for one seat?


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