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Rwanda Plan Put Out Of Its Misery…

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Gromit | 23:24 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
50 Answers

It cost nearly half a £billion, nobody went there, and it deterrred no illegal immigrants from coming here.    
I am sure you willl agree this was a easy saving for the Starmer Government 😀



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Gromit, a Labour government will encourage more to come - and Mr Starmer's answer when Mr Sunak asked him what he's going to do with them was 'process them'.  Now where did he put that rubber stamp that reads 'Legal'? He'll certainly remedy the problem of illegal  immigration.

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Someone should have done a value-for-money calculation a long time ago, and asked themselves is the £500million, money well spent?   
Starmer has now done that and decided, that it is not worth it.

@15.03.If we keep quiet about this Naomi,we can send all these unwanted"refugees"over to ROI.SinnFein says they welcome"refugees",seems the majority of Irish people dont.

He should be calculating the cost of his plan - and not only in terms of money.

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// He should be calculating the cost of his plan //

I am sure he has already done that. The Treasury will have to approve any expenditure before any plan is announced.

Gromit, you neglected to mention the bit where I said 'and not only in terms of money'.

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They kept this news quiet...

// 218 migrants were released on bail from detention centres [by the Conservative government] during the election campaign. //

They had been due to be exported to Rwanda, but when that got cancelled they let them go.

Shocking - disgraceful in fact -but if left there what would Mr Starmer have done with them?  He has to face the same problems.

Until proven they are legitimately here they should be in closed camps. For most that should take about 5 minutes. Any politician letting them wander off is a disgrace and no friend of this nation.

Sunk money is always worth getting the service you paid for, before just writing it off.

If Sinn Féin says they welcome "refugees", and the majority of Irish people don't, how come they did so well for votes ?


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