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What Should Be, In Your Opinion, The New Government’s Most Urgent Task?

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naomi24 | 15:35 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
29 Answers

I think a lot of people would say stopping the boatloads of illegal immigrants entering the country should be their priority. 



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stop the boats.

The reboot the NHS, get the GPs out of hiding.

Stopping the boats.

Stop the boats, and clear out the illegals, tout suite.

Housing, the NHS, the prison service, and potholes.

1. Getting the UKs finances back under control again.  
2. Build more houses.  
3. Get the NHS working properly again.  
4. More Police offices, reduce crime.   
5. Modernise British industry.

Illegal immigration is an annoyance but it is not our biggest priority.   
It hasn't been for the last 14 years, so it shouldn't be for the new Government.

you are not bothered by the invasion then gromit?

I am.   
But I am more bothered by our out of control borrowing, rampant crime, people sleeping rough, people waiting years for operations and a housing shortage.   Get those sorted first, and then tackle the minor problems.

gromit has the answer to that TTT - build more houses😉

Do you not think the invaders are adding to the rampant crime and NHS waiting times, Gromit?

The Conservative manifesto had promised to build 1,600,000 new homes. But there was no new plan to stop the boats.

Oh how I do agree with crime and the NHS. The two have gone hand in hand of late so lets start with bringing Michelle Mone and her husband to the dock, I would be over the moon.🤣

What crimes have the Mones committed? Last time I checked being a grubby opportunist was not a crime. 

Rape and sexual assault are crimes though and, had it not been for the massive influx of illegals over the last few years, a great number of those offences would not have happened. 


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^nice idea.

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^that to nicebloke1.

Schedule another general election ?


If not that, do whatever is needed to return illegal immigrants rapidly, as the massive increase in population is behind many other issues; and that's before one considers culture replacement and such associated problems.

And what do people think is a major contribution to excess borrowing, rampant crime, people sleeping rough, people waiting years for operations, and the housing shortage (population excess rather than housing shortage really; as there's more of an issue with house prices than numbers given the estate agents have properties on their books) ?

Buy a fiddle to play while Britain burns.

The hordes of illegal immigrants; but I'm not holding my breath.  If a Conservative adminstration would not/could not stop the influx and get rid of those already illegally here, I'm pretty sure a Labour government won't.

Total immigration of 6 million in the past 14 years is outrageous.

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