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davebro3 | 19:03 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
24 Answers

If Joe doesn't step down & allow another Democratic candidate to take his place he will lose to Trump & be ousted anyway. If he can't accept that then he is truly demented.

They would have a chance with someone else. IMV



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Biden is clearly too old and probably could not do four more years as President. He should step down and let another Democrat take on Trump. My fear is that he is too stubborn and will lead the Democrats to defeat.

paul22118 "The US should bite the bullet right now.  Find a wlling doctor to diagnose what the whole world can see, in that the President clearly has onset dementia.  He is not fit to stand. They should stand him down with a resonable degree of personal acceptance and select  a new suitable candidate who can then choose his or her own running mate." - yep bang on this is un safe for the world.

Tom Hanks would be an interesting choice ... the other left-field option is Michelle Obama. But I wasn't thinking of either of those. Maybe Gavin Newsom?

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Tom Hanks wouldn't even need to campaign - with his celebrity status he'd be a shoo-in over Trump.

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