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What Should Be, In Your Opinion, The New Government’s Most Urgent Task?

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naomi24 | 15:35 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
29 Answers

I think a lot of people would say stopping the boatloads of illegal immigrants entering the country should be their priority. 



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Outrageous and terrifying. 

Too right it should Naomi.

Addressing levels of immigration will not be a priority for this government - so increasing efficiency in the NHS, reducing waiting lists, including those for a dentist, would be a good place to start. 

No benefits for illegals. Large field, wooden huts, Barb wire, guarded fences. Make it very unattractive to illegal migrants seeking a free handout.

better to stop them coming in the first place.

Dental help at affordable prices, with competent dentists.

NHS restructuring urgently, remove unnecessary managers, and charge foreign visitors for use.

Address the obvious threat from Islamists.

It will of course, be ignored. 

Nationalise the water industry

Those cars won't wash themselves y'know.

Free 'watery' milk for all at school - remember our days back then in Macmillan/Wilson days, perhaps?

Then, one could say, look at what has happened to us!

And an investigation into Turkish barber shops wouldn't go amiss.  

If only to satisfy people's curiosity about why there are so many.

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