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When Did Dog Cages Become Common?

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barry1010 | 18:01 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers

Never used one, can't recall seeing one in anybody's house until around ten years ago.

Why did they suddenly (it seems to me) become popular?



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weve had one since we had a dog, aound 15 years

I've had 7 dogs over my lifetime and never ever put them in a cage and never would except in an exceptional case.  I think it's people who have no control over their dogs, even when they are at home with them let alone when they are out.  Poor dogs.

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One of my dogs commandeered a kitchen cupboard to use as a den. We didn't encourage her to but she liked it when we were in there cooking. 

We never had playpens for the children either. 

I wouldn't criticise anyone for using either, I don't really understand why they do

A friend's son has one for his dog.  It is her bedroom so she can hide from their toddler.

As long as the crates are not used as punishment they seem like a good option for people to have.


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I agree a dog should have it's own space. 

they had a kennel in the back yard when I was a kid

I used one about 20 years ago when a new puppy arrived. Only for about a couple of weeks at night until she settled - it was a large room and I wanted her to feel safe.

They have their uses.  Daughter's Sprocker, some 5 yrs. ago now, had huge damage to her back knees and the only cure, felt the vet, was complete rest.  Apart from walking her out into the garden for toileting, the poor girl was in a cage for almost 6 months. It was dreadful...... however............................. IT WORKED!  She is now running around with the new pup, swimming, going long walks etc.. so there are uses for them.

Jourdain the sprocker you mention would fall into the "exceptional cases" that I put in my 18.36 post.


Barry, I was just thinking the same the other day.  I've had dogs for 40 years and have never felt the need to cage any of them.

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That's good news, Jourdain.

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When Did Dog Cages Become Common?

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