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When to call it a day

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Roughquest | 00:47 Sun 29th Oct 2006 | Relationships & Dating
19 Answers
My friend told me that if she was dumped by someone she loved or had very strong feelings for - she would fight to get them back as everyone deserves a second chance. But what would you do? I guess it much depends on the circumstances on how a relationship ends but how far would you go to get someone back? Or if someone said 'Its over' would you just take it as read and do nothing?


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Do nothing, that way they`d think about it more, whereas if you chase after them they`d have the upper hand
Question Author
That maybe, but what if they then think that you are not bothered?
I think your attitude to relationships changes as you get older.....Some 20 years ago, I'd have fought tooth and nail to get my man back......but some 20 years later I think I'd say.....your loss mate....plenty more fish in the sea :)
Let them think that...after all it was them who dumped first.

Why bother what they are thinking?
Question Author
Interesting views thus far, thanks, it takes 2 at the end of the day huh? My friend really wants her b/f back, she is so upset and I know they were meant to be together.
Here`s an example...Fred dumps Wilma...Wilma is on his case every day, ringing ,texting etc...Fred thinks..Hey, she`s still keen I`ll carry on playing the field, she`d still have me back afterwards.

Or....Fred dumps Wilma...Fred goes out on the pull, hears nothing from Wilma for days,Fred then thinks..What is she up to, maybe I`ll give her a call.
Question Author
But surely that turns it into a mind game scenario?
LOL Elvis.....I hope Roughquest gives you some stars for that .....brilliant :)
It is mind games Roughquest, you have to let your head rule your heart
Question Author
OR Fred thinks "Wilma could not have been that bothered about me, I wont get in touch I will wait until she does" lol - so then no one makes the first move and its stale mate.
In that case, if Fred was such a git to dump Wilma in the first place, perhaps it`s best they don`t speak again!!
hi roughquest honey, hope you are ok.

take it from me...if you show that you are not botherd sooner or later they will come crawling back...and the satisfaction of telling them to sod off is fabulous!!!! (even better if you have met someone new!!)
if the guy dumped your friend, then he isnt worth bothering with, tell her to move on to bigger and better things!

Question Author
Oh dear, it doesnt bode well then........there are 2 sides to every story....
And you`ve only told us one..spill the beans!!!
Question Author
Oh there is nothing to tell I dont think, I was just interested in others views.........the age of chivalry etc etc love conquers all.........not,
The mind conquers all nowadays ;o)
why would the person who has dumped you need a second chance?
when 1 person wants to end a relationship then the relationship is over.
Question Author
Why have they deleted Elvis answers ??? I dont understand this site,i was gonna rate his answers just now, but they have been banned. Why? There was nothing bad in what he said...or explicit....
I`ve been banned :o(

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When to call it a day

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