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Yours Oct 11 Cryptic Crossword

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ashfordshe | 14:18 Mon 30th Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
5d) Wrong about middle container (7) ?S?T?A?


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Thanks Shaneystar2 - I had pencilled that in, I could see wrong = astray, and ashtray=container, but did not know how the "h" came into it!
I'm sure it's right Shaney, but how does middle = H ?
It's possible that the setter composed the clue:
"Wrong about the middle container" and the type setter omitted the "the" as being unimportant!
It's happened before!
Yes ..bit of a dubious clue ..but can't see what else it could be
Elementary, my dear Crofter!
Quizmonkey, I would be interested to hear your views on the recent posting lodged at the following address: zles/Question314134.html

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