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Matheous | 00:23 Sat 25th Nov 2006 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
Can I have a credit card while receiving state pension only. I am over 65.


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It will depend on a lot of factors - do you own your own home, have you a good credit record and so on.

It wouldn't hurt to apply.
Hi Mat

Just a quick if you are prequalified / preapproved for it first.

FACT: IF your application is DECLINED it may go on your credit file as a footprint / declined app.

However as a rule of thumb pensioners and people above 55 years of age up until 70 generally tend to have higher credit score*

* Obviously not always the case. Furthermore this information is not to be considered for any investment purposes or financial advice in any form herein. (Just to cover me own back!!!)
The only way you will find out is if you apply. however, if your only source of income is a state pension, then chances are that you will be declined.

The state income is what is classed as the minimum you need to survive - the obvious question is, how will you repay any amounts that you take on credit?

If you own your own home, and have always paid bills on time, then you may get a card, however, you may not.

Try applying to a company such as Capital One - they tend to be more 'generous' when it comes to underwriting.
If you've already got one they won't take it away just because you reach 65 and have a drop in income. Just as long as you keep up the payments.
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Thanks to all for the advice......may try Capital One....

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