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teash | 23:49 Sun 26th Nov 2006 | Music
4 Answers
Watch a tv programme earlier and it said they`ve sold 360 millions albums, how much would they have made cash wise of the sales???


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Totally depends on the kind of deal they signed - percentage wise/ royalty wise/ rights etc
Deals weren't necessarily as good then as they are now; just guessing here, as that's all I can do, but I'm going with perhaps a 10% deal with an average album cost of around �3...

That's apparently around �20 million once we include costs. But this might be wrong; the Beatles sold far more records than that and came off pretty badly from it.
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Was just a curious question because on the tv prog. Pete Waterman said they made a million pound a day. Yikes the mind boggles
As luckyeight says - it all depends on the contract.

Most contracts will tie a band in for so many albums that it exceeds the life expectancy of the band itself - and hence any post-split 'Greatest Hits' or even a subsequent 'revival' - the profits will still go into the pockets of the record company.

Without researching it properly - I have a vague recollection that because ABBA were "only a Eurovision" band - their contract tie-in was rather short - hence they were able to re-negotiate more favourable terms due to their success.

Most newly signed bands find out to their cost, that when, fresh from their sweaty pub gig, the Limo picks them up to sign the big Record Company contract (with Champagne on tap)- then the cost of it comes out of their eventual profits.

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