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dave_c | 21:34 Mon 06th Nov 2006 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Did Channel 4 do all it could to keep Lost? And will Sky Three or any other Freeview channels air the third series later on?


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Like most things, SKY will let another channel broadcast the programme. When/If it becomes popular enough then they will outbid the other channel for the rights.

Quite a smart thing to do really. Let someone else buy the crap and then only take the cream from the top.

Know doubt C4 did everything they could to keep Lost but SKY "seem" to have a bottomless pocket.

Another example is The Simpsons.

BTW, I don't watch either of the above mentioned programmes!!!!!!

If you wish to watch Lost then I strongly suggest you look into Bittorrent (if you know what that is)

Channel 4 reportedly decided not to renew their contract due to massively deteriorating viewing figures (go figure!), so the field was open for any buyers, and Sky stepped up to the plate and nabbed it. Not good for terrestial viewers, but those with digital and access to Sky will get to see it when it finally starts again.

And I've also had the oppourtunity to see the first two episodes, and, oooh, it's good!
The Irish channel RTE 2 have retained the rights to show it over here. We had the 1st episode last week.
Do you have any relatives who can tape it for you and send it on?
As Sky have bought the rights now I am hoping that they will show it on Sky 3 at a later date as they have done with Deadwood, Battlestar Galactica, Las Vegas etc..
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BagpussAA, not to mention 24! So there is some hope.
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Adrian_Iondo, is Bit Torrent a bit Risky?
I'm not saying you should do it........It is just a suggestion.

I would not want you to get into trouble with copyright material.

What you do is your own choice.

Personally I don't even watch the programme!!!!

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