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Going large

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SteveD | 09:58 Tue 23rd Jan 2007 | Word Origins
2 Answers
"Masterchef goes large" is a cooking competition on BBC2. What (if anything) does "going large" mean?


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I don't think it means much more than the older phrase "going places" in "That young man is going places!" The idea behind it is that fame is more or less guaranteed.
The phrase 'go large' was originally a nautical one meaning 'to break away from your current course and set off straight ahead on a new one."
Putting the two ideas together produces the notion that here is a new beginning from which great things might follow.
"Big Mac, Fries and a coke please"
"Would you like to GO LARGE for an extra 30p?"
"Yes, yes I would"

There you go, going large means to get large fries and a large coke for an extra 30p!


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