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Rabbit behavior

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tonikymm | 13:14 Tue 30th Jan 2007 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
I was in hospital for a few days last week, I was shocked to find on my return that one of my rabbit had produced a litter of five kits, I had bought them both from my local pet shop over a year ago, both supposedly male, unfortunately all the kits had fallen foul of the cold weather, I have cleaned out the hutch and checked her over, she is fine and eating well, but she is still pulling out her fur to line her bed, is there a chance she might have more kits on the way


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I wouldn't have thought so. Firstly rabbits can't be sexed until they're several months old, and lost of unscrupulous pet shops just assume their gender, because they're cuter when they're little. Secondly rabbits are very prone to depression, and she could be suffering from similar emotions to a woman who has a miscarriage / loses a child - that is her body and mind are telling her that she is still a mother even though the kits are dead. Of course though it could be a possibility, only a vet could confirm it. It is probably worthwhile getting the male neutered otherwise you'll soon have hundreds!
You should get her to a vet immediately.
Also, female rabbits need to be spayed, preferably before they are 2 years old.
Read here for more info: .html
and here: .html#spay

She could have more on the way, as the male will mate her as long as she is in with him. At school we had a rabbit who had two litters, one week apart.

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