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Dee-M-See | 23:26 Mon 05th Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
There are a number of �2.coins forming a pattern on the table 5 coins across,3 going down.How much money is on the table,
There seems to be a bit of an obvious answer to this problem.I think it is a catch question


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sensible answer is 7 if they are making a cross pattern

. .. O
. .. O
like that .
I'd guess the two answers are


and bridgenut's answer which is probably the correct one.

Perhaps the setter is presuming the solver would make a rectangle of coins - I'm not sure which one I'd have picked as I saw bridgenut's solution first.

Depending on the shape of the pattern formed by the coins surely there can be any number between 7 (�14) and 15 (�30).
Just thinking - that solution of mine would also work if " going down " meant that the coins were stacked - ie going down towards the table

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It was a trick question the answer was �10.
if you put the word form in between coins and a cross it makes sense
Thanks for your answers I think it was more a verbal question than a written one

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