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dt gk 17/3

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kenbraham | 17:08 Sat 17th Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
21d In biology, a cell physically identical to another with which it unites to form a zygote (9). I have -S---M-T-
Also stuck with 26a To allow an idea or plan to develop in the mind (7). I have --S-A-E


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21d Isogemete
26a Gestate
21d Isogamete
26a gestate
Sorry, Paulene's right with Isogamete.
And Heather too - what's the matter with me?
A...a minor spelling error after you were up and helping us all so early!!...allowed I think!
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Very many thanks Heather33, Aquagility and Paulineward for prompt help.

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dt gk 17/3

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