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Excel formulas

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dipee65 | 11:54 Thu 26th Apr 2007 | Computers
5 Answers
Is there a way in Excel to get a list of formulas that have been entered in each cell? I thought I had seen this done, some time ago, but it might have been a dream!
I've tried the Help stuff, but can't seem to find what I need.


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Tools - Options... - View tab - Window options - check "Formulas"
Hmmm, you see the key to left of the number 1 on the top of your keyboard.
Well press control and that key whilst on your spreadsheet and it will show all your formulas :)
btw perhaps not exactly a "list" - it shows all the formulae in place, in the cells.
Just repeat again to get back to your normal view on your spreadsheet...
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Thanks to both respondents. The "little key at the top left " did the trick. I was using the tilde (~) as per help. No wonder I was stuck.

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Excel formulas

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