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can you sail fronm uk to africa?

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hamarsh | 15:34 Wed 27th Jun 2007 | Travel
3 Answers
trying to help nephew with his homework(!)which is all about travel to africa, we've got planes covered, but i'm stumped on the boat thing? any help out there would be cool. How long does it take? how much does it cost? etc
thank you much x


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Look at this P&O link, they do cruises to several destinations on the African Continent tm_source=Yucca_Google&utm_medium=PPC&utm_camp aign=Regional_world%20regions
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thanks, v.helpful x
And as an option in case it wets the appetitie:

One of the lists of commercial ships that offer passenger cruies too, worldwide. Most cargo ships have facilities like 'captains cabin' as they are called for either owners or paying passengers and a few offer swimmming pools, high quality cuisine and the chance to get to some of the more out of the way destinations too.

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can you sail fronm uk to africa?

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