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audreybonnar | 18:01 Sat 14th Jul 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
anagram aeeinstttw 2 words I know it must be simple but have been trying for about a week to solve it any help


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I don't suppose "new tatties" would be acceptable...
Sweet Tatin ?...... Fancy word for an apple tart or some such thing ?
Hi Shaneystar - it certainly sounds more upmarket than my effort! lol
Hi audreybonnar,
I've tried putting the letters you gave, aeeinstttw, into the Universal Anagram Solver, but that didn't solve it. So I wonder if any of the letters are wrong?
The Universal Anagram Solver usually comes up with an answer, so you could look that up and put it into your 'Favourites' folder for future use.
Good luck.
Oh I don't know JMR tatties ...sounds OK to me !
Especially with a nice dollop of butter !
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H i jmr27 and shaneystar 2 many thanks for you quick answers seem a bit far fetched against the other answers in the quiz maybe there is a mistake in the quiz I will let you know. neutron many thanks for your kind advice I will put this in my folder for further use as I am fairley new to all this your help is greatly appreciated. many thanks again to all of you

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