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Cystitis in dogs

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NancyBee | 17:11 Thu 05th Jul 2007 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
Has anybody any idea how to treat cystitis in dogs. My 7 year old retriever has developed it, not badly, but enough to make her need to go out every 5 minutes. I would prefer something that didn't involve drugs, a natural remedy would be better. Any advice please?


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Until you have a diagnosis how do you know your labrador has cystitis? If my dog needed to go out to wee every 5 minutes I would get her to the vet ASAP. Natural remedies have their place but if its a urinary infection the sooner she gets antibiotics the better.
My friends Rottie bitch regularly suffered from this just before she came in season, she now gives her cranberry tablets (pure high strength) from a health food shop, not the cheaper superdrug version, given at the rate of 2 twice a day for five days when actually suffering from it, and 2 three times a week as a maintenance dose and she has no more problems.
Having read Annlinda's post, I would agree to get her checked by the vet, but the symptoms were weeing very often just before coming in season.
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Thank you very for your answers, I will take her for a check up but the cranberry tablets are useful to know about. Thanks again.
I would definitely get her to the vet ASAP....must be in pain and discomfort as anyone who's had cysistis knows only too well. May have bladder or kidney stones as this causes a need to urinate frequently. Good luck and hope you get it sorted quickly.
Ask your vet about Propaline (I think it's spelt like that)

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