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House husband

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johnlambert | 11:08 Thu 02nd Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
60 Answers
Hi guys
Mrs johnlambert earns a kings ransom, I've got some investments, do some online consulting and also have my Army pension so I dont need to work, we talked it over last night and we agreed that I would stay at home looking after the johnlambert sprogs while mrs johnlambert continues with her career.
Now then ladies what do I do now?
I've breakfasted the boys, done the washing up, and got them dressed and they are watching cbeebie so now I'm bored, I'm on my umteenth coffee, what do you all do all day??


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Whiskey... Yes, I brought it myself I admit it. It looks great on the shelf next to my Therapy CD and close to Velvet Revolver ;0P

John - Eyes seems harsh. How about a limb or two instead?
Wouldnt post my my space ad on here but are you a member of the ab appreciation group on facebook?
God you even a good ****,,,,, are you real???????????

i live in kent.. dont worry im off hone in my lunch break to do some more housework!!!! some break ... not!
good cook that was supposed to say!!!! OMG
My typo errors are getting worse!
You could come round here and clear up my 9mth olds attempt at feeding herself :)
Perhaps c o c k was more fitting.
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I was but left later 3rainbows
my email addy is:

[email protected]

but keep that a secret please,
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my c o c k fits very well thank you, however, YOU will never know how well it fits
Have you booked a sunbed yet? :p

Done did you get it? I found it really amusing something that'd happen to Mr3R!
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Yeah 3, it made me chuckle, and I'm going to the chemist for a testing kit lol
JL 33 Things to do before you are 10 - We have worked our way through the list (substituting things like conkers for more girly pursuits) the only ones we haven't done now are the snow related ones because in my part of the New Forest we haven't had any snow to speak of for the last 12 years.

1 Roll on your side down a grassy bank

2 Make a mud pie

3 Make your own modelling dough mixture

4 Collect frogspawn

5 Make perfume from flower petals

6 Grow cress on a windowsill

7 Make a papier-mache mask

8 Build a sandcastle

9 Climb a tree

10 Make a den in the garden

11 Make a painting using your hands and feet

12 Organise your own teddy bears' picnic

13 Have your face painted

14 Bury a friend in the sand

15 Make some bread

16 Make snow angels

17 Create a clay sculpture

18 Take part in a scavenger hunt

19 Camp out in the garden

20 Bake a cake

21 Feed a farm animal

22 Pick some strawberries

23 Play Pooh sticks

24 Recognise five different bird species

25 Find some worms

26 Ride a bike through a muddy puddle

27 Make and fly a kite

28 Plant a tree

29 Build a nest out of grass and twigs

30 Find 10 different leaves in a park

31 Grow vegetables

32 Make breakfast in bed for your parents

33 Make a mini assault course in your garden

The last should be a doddle for you!
Mrs JL would love something girlie from her three men. Take it from me - similarly outnumbered!! (You sound like a whizz in the kitchen though, so make sure you bring your boys up the same - not afraid of cooking. Something I feel strongly about!!)

Modelling dough is great to make, as Hellyon said in that fantastic list (duly saved for reference now!) but Early Learning Centre do air-hardening clay which is even better, as you can keep the best models then paint them when they've gone hard.

Something we do quite often on a sunny evening is bath in the paddling pool. Instead of filling up the bath, I let them have a much warmer pool outside and put their bubbles in too - they always think that's great! The lady next door thinks it's hilarious and comes round to watch. (Not quite how that sounds!!)
Do you have any younger brothers who are domesticated too?????? lol.

Hi John, I'd suggest buying an xbox 360 and teaching your kids about defeat, using the wife's handsome salary of course!
You say you have an Army Pension.,and you have children 4 and 1 .I thought your army pension was due along with state pension when you are 65 or I am I wrong or am I missing the point here
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ex service personell get a lump sum and/or a reduced pension, also I was wounded in the "land of flying bullets" or Bosnia as most people call it, so I get a war pension as well
Sorry to hear that John where were you wounded? Mr M was also injured, blown up by a land mine while serving in Aden
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Trying to get some Croatian civilians out of a village called Dola when the Serbs started shelling us, I cant remember much, one minute I was helping an old man out of his house, the next thing the world was filled with sledgehammers hitting my back and neck and everything went black. Once they took the mud out of my mouth I started to breath right but I couldnt move my legs so they took me away in my own bl00dy ambulance!!!!!

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