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how is being lefthanded determined?

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Goodsoulette | 14:53 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
Both my boys are left handed. My youngest can use his right hand relatively well but the eldest is useless with it. Is there something genetic in it? Or is it purely chance?


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All left hand people are gifted , Winston Churchill was , Paul McCartney is another also myself !!! Another thing is a lot of them are born under the star sign of Gemini .
my daughter and son are both left handed, my other son is right handed, I am right and my other half is ambi, I think left handers are more common than you think
my daughter is left handed, my son, right handed, yet she eats right handed and he eats left...and both are adamant it feels right...both my husband and I are right handed and eat right handed
I am left handed, as is my 4 year old son.
Everyone is born righthanded but only a few of us will overcome this disability, one in ten of us will become perfect
"If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body...then only left-handed people are in their right minds"

My teenage daughters favourite t-shirt! lol
Did you know that all polar bears are left handed? (Not all left handed people are polar bears though)
I am also a lefty, but I eat right-handed.
Well according to an interesting article pointed my way earlier today by Waldo.......... xual_orientation for thought, eh ?
Is lefthandedness inherited? sorry if thats already been said but i didnt read thread

Theres loads of left handed people in our family both on my mam and my dads side. My granddaughter is left handed and I always forget :( I was teaching her how to use my lappy and it was taking her ages to grasp it cos I was showing her the way I do it and im right handed. One day she swapped her hands over and within a couple of minutes was playing a game all by herself, she was well chuffed.
I am sure that I saw somewhere that there is a theory that left handed people were actually one of twins where the other twin was lost as an early cell formation in early pregnancy and would therefore not be noticed by the mother. As the incidence of twins can run in families, that may explain why left handedness seems to also have a genetic link.

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