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The Birthday Card

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4getmenot | 16:04 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Anyone that remembers my post about the card that my best friend sent pretending to be a boy I fancied, I had a school reunion at weekend and was told he is gay! I knew it


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"Relax don't do it, when you wanna coooooommmmme"

Oh dear.

Soggy biscuit and that song should not be used in the same thread.

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my mum made an entry in mine after she read it one day it said 'Today your mam read this diary and I hope you arent the foul mouthed slappeer you come across as in here.
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oh yer pippa, my ones when I was about 8 say that. Coz I never went out it just says, played nurses with sister and then went to nans, she gave me a pound, now watching superman
It was my school reunion this weekend too. Only heard of one of the lads becoming gay though! lol
How was yours?
Trouble is when I was writing that I was about

I think you were ahead of me, 4get!
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mmmm psychick not same one was it??

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The Birthday Card

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