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Oh go on!!!!!!!

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skyep | 18:23 Tue 23rd Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Oh shut up!!!!!! I feel Christmassy lol!! Yes! already o.k!


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skyep, i cant wait till the ones i still have to buy for are old enough to have good old fashioned hard cash, might even spoil them and go mad and buy a card to put it in ,cards are in the shops by September , lol
i`m getting ideas this month off people, then good ole amazon for me!! all there is one huge box. easy peasy lemon squeezy.

get it delivered to work, and then spend my quiet days as an estate agent in decemeber wrapping them!!! he he xx
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Or may be you feel like this?
Bah humbug!
I have already bought some gifts, I love this time of the year..the preparation, the panicking, the organising!!!!!!

Im even having xmas plates and tableware this year!!
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OOOOOhhhh caz razzamatazz lol!!
Hey dolly, how about leg in your Christmas stocking this year eh?
lorri - You can't beat the simplicity of cash!
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caz - I just bought a Jamie Oliver Christmas recipes dvd for a pound! I've just got some of the ingredients in to do a trial run on some flavoured butters for the veg!
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Got to do some washing up! bye for now xx
I have completed most of mine - just waiting for the next delivery to arrive, then it is logged in my Christmas list - so that I don't forget what I have bought - a note taken of any batteries required, then wrapped up and up to the attic to await Christmas Eve.
I find it odd that next to this question are ads for both Planned Parenthood and adoption. Especially next to the nativity scene. And ending an illicit affair. LOL

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