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Panic Button | 20:11 Wed 24th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It's rubbish isn't it?


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The corners hurt the roof of your mouth, and the bits in it get stuck in your teeth.
My parents overdosed me on it when I was a child.
Cannot eat it at all now.
I quite like them. However, I do find at times that the honey content varies. Sometimes it is lovely and you can actually suck honey from the triangles, other times it is somewhat honeyless in flavour.

Overall, 7.8/10.

For a comparative equation:

Creme Egg 3.7/10

Fry's Creme 5.9/10

Twix 7.2/10

Ripple 9.3/10
Panic, the trick is to snap off a chunk and just let it melt in your mouth. Yummmmmy!x
Toblerone is the wrong shape, it simply doesn't make sense. PB is right, it doesn't sit comfortably in the mouth, and has bits in it as well.

Only two stars. I've just told you how to eat Toblerone without any pain or bits in your teeth! Tut!!!x
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Impossible Katie. Your jaw just has to chew, and next thing you know you are trying to prise bits out of your molars again while walking down the High Street.
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What about chocolate brazils - are they great or what?
No good wrong shape.
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I was going to just give one star, but I may have caused permanent psycholgical damage since I did that to Katie
God and only one star for me I can tell you a better way to eat it than katie. take your teeth out, snap of chunk then suck.

Here you go a complete foolproof way of eating pussy whoops sorry I mean toblerone.
I don't like nuts at all Panic Button.
I did not mean you KP. lol
I meant the edible kind.
corners hurt roof of my mouth too! I thought I was the only one who was bullied by chocolate! :)
just buy the mini ones ya wusses .
the size of your gobs i dunno how a bloody brick would hurt never mind a friggin toblerone.

Wow hiya Legend, feel strongly about that one then do you?
Toblerone are no use to give as pressies - too hard to wrap!
Cruella - you must have kind parents if you were over-dosed on Toblerone! I was overdosed on mash and sprouts!! Oh - and spotted dick.

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