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New definition for local bike

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daffy654 | 11:17 Sun 28th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I read this yesterday and was going to put it in the news section but thought better of =/news/2007/10/26/nsex126.xml


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this guy had a wheel good time
obvoiusly, the only kind of relationship he can be 'saddled' with
Maybe someone told him to pump the tyres and he misheard !!!
very good bigmamma
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I can't figure out why they feel the need to put him on the sex offenders register for having "sex" with an inanimate object.He was in a private room behind a locked door ffs. Ann Summers will go out of business pretty quickly if they make this an offence!!! lol
I'm with daffy.... how can it be an offence?
I mean, how do they know the bike wasn't consenting??!!
And how old was the bike?
so it would also be an offence then with an, ehmm, rabbit? lol
as long as he wasn't 'pedalling' to other people
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I'm not even sure how you have sex with a bicycle.He must have been worried he would catch his tackle in the moving parts.
and if the media hound him he could get a 'spokes' person definition then for saddle sore !

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