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So what the fruck did happen then today between the hours of

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kp nonuts | 20:59 Wed 31st Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
last night (this morning nearly) at 23.40 and this afternoon I have seen the posts and there aint none is there but even tonight its a bit slow annit Anybody know what happened as nobody tells me nutting on ear
the x


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Knobby , I couldn't get AB page to load up all day until after 3pm , I reckon the site must have been down :-)
the sitre was shut fromm at least 9.30 till 3pm today for maintenance it said
That's because you have at a generous estimate the intelligence and scratch-factor of a gibbon.
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Hya biggmamma its getting to be like that on this site soooo much just lately aint it. Do you reckon the ed is just building us up to all of making a donation on here to keep the site running.
What you reckon I think its a reallity.
Then again I thought muffing the mule was.
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God thats whiffey in a past life annit whiff
Slow is an understatement! For the past couple of days it has been running so slow for me and is no better even after "maintenance".
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Derr no whiff thats beacuse I had to work today

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So what the fruck did happen then today between the hours of

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