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time capsule

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sleepyj | 21:41 Sat 03rd Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
what 3 things would you put in a time capsule ..mine would be a news paper .....a mobile phone .....and some money .....


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The Mrs and kids.
ooooh doc spoc
thats harsh

my ex

and all the lies i have told lol

Hello sleepy sweetheart , I haven't seen you for a while , hope you are ok . I would also put a newspaper in ....and..
....a photo card ......and a catalogue of some sort to show fashions and prices of the day. :-) xxx
Question Author
hi big im ill been in bed all day ;( hope your well xx
aaaah, you still not well sleepy mate :(

Don't know what I would put in time capsule. Sorry xx
Awww , sleepy pops I'm sorry to hear that . Hope you have someone to fetch and carry for you and get you something to eat and drink and generally pamper. Here's a big hug love . (( hug )) :-) xxx
Question Author
thanks xx

Some very good jazz cds

I'm intrigued... why a mobile phone sleepyj?
Question Author
not sure just some thing that is what we all use in this time ..

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time capsule

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