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lottery sratch cards

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jannyneve | 13:31 Tue 06th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
hi hope someone can advise me,how much will a local retailer pay out on a scratch card?iv just won quite a bit on one and not sure where to take it,


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look on the back, i think it will tell you there
yer read the back
congratulations janny look on the lottery website. xxx happy spending!
Question Author
thanks everyone,
Oh you lucky thing- perfect timing for Xmas eh?

Congrats :-)
I love scratch cards, how much did you win? the most i've won was �100.
if you take it to a post office with identification ie passport,domestic bill in your name bak statement in your name or a letter from your bank saying you bank with with, and they can pay up to 9,000 they have camelot cheques,but they will give you so much in cash,and the rest on a cheque, thats what happened to me 7 years ago so it might have changed but enquire at the post office ,good luck

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